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Tiki Central / General Tiki / Should Tiki Central be stripped of any hawaiiana discussions?

Post #430516 by Tiki Trav on 01/25/2009

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Tiki Trav posted on 01/25/2009

8 pages of this bullshit?

Sven, I believe you are being antagonised into continually responding as it is your nature to justify your thoughts, theories and knowledge with some educated and for the most part, proven info on the subject at hand.

Some people just don't want to learn or just aren't that interested.

Most of "US" get it, and know hawaiiana is not actually "tiki" but know that it most certainly has its place with any tiki collection and almost no person on TC could say they have a strictly "tiki" collection... that would actually be quite weird (not to mention monotonal visually) to observe if you imagine it...

This thread is almost completely useless and really has no purpose in continuing, I almost can't believe it even started...