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Tiki Central / Other Events / Stolen Idols Live on Latino 54, WMNF

Post #448391 by OnyaBirri on 04/20/2009

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OnyaBirri posted on 04/20/2009

Stolen Idols will be featured in a live, in-the-studio performance for the entire hour on the next Latino 54 on WMNF. We play a mixture of latin jazz and exotica.

The show can be heard live on the interwebz at http://www.wmnf.org on Wednesday, April 22, 9 AM EST. The show will then be archived for one week.

Hosted by Franco Silva, Latino 54 presents a wide range past and current "latin" music, in a broad sense of the term.

See you on the radio!


[ Edited by: OnyaBirri 2009-04-20 15:03 ]