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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / What is your personal cocktail fave at Trader Vic's Downtown L.A.?

Post #451400 by bigbrotiki on Sun, May 3, 2009 10:38 AM

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I was wondering which of the many, many offerings at this new mixology haven are favored by Tiki Centralites, and why.

At the Beverly Hills Trader's I liked the Tortuga very much, but I have not tried it downtown yet.

So far, my vote goes to the TIKI PUKA PUKA. With its 151 in it, it is a man's drink, very rich, and rummy, a real sailor's grog.

Of course the name has nothing to do with puking, though I would not recommend more than three of these in one sitting.
It is derived from this lovely South Seas atoll...

...which was immortalized by Robert Dean Frisbie, the quintessential South Pacific drop out, in his 1929 book entitled (would you believe it ?) "The Book of Puka Puka" :)

Largely forgotten today, Frisbie's writings were required reading for any Polynesiac of the 1930s and 40s, and they were undoubtedly known by Trader Vic.

[ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2009-05-04 12:30 ]