Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate
Post #453271 by Bay Park Buzzy on Mon, May 11, 2009 10:28 PM
Bay Park Buzzy
Mon, May 11, 2009 10:28 PM
Today's sunset: I started the day by drawing out what I needed to carve. First thing I did was transfer my rough sketch onto a scaled out piece of paper. after much refining, I made a stencil and traced out the design on both sides of the log: That's carve ready now. Both sides have the same drawing on it: Sides of eyes first: Then side of nose: Sides of arms, bottom of hands, and base done: now that the sides were all done, I had to do the middles. Here's the first face rough carved: I stopped working on this side of the log because it was getting close to sunset: Then I turned the log over and got the second side pretty much to where I got the first side:
They sure do look good there!
Call in sick?
I'm always looking so forward to doing whatever it is that I have to do next, that I pretty much just jump right into it right away. I always have more ideas than time, so I'm always trying to catch up with myself.
Purposely?, No!
the drum is conga drum height. It's 36 inches tall. 3 inches taller than GROG's drum that went to Colorful Colorado. It's not for Teakey, but might be going to someone who has a TC name that rhymes with "Teakey."
Only three feet tall. Made to look as much like this one as possible:
I just cannot get enough of those Bowana jokes! They're almost as funny as That what she said!
Hey Greentikipat! I think that feeding the birds is a Federal Offense... Going on the island probably violates state laws...and the water is polluted! Welcome to Tiki Island! I have some Brady Bunch idols to paint now... |