Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Bilge / Rant-tastic! (Do not read if easily offended)
Post #454642 by Tipsy McStagger on Mon, May 18, 2009 4:57 AM
Tipsy McStagger
Mon, May 18, 2009 4:57 AM
..remember. it's important to be well rounded, to not limit yourself to a particular group and have different circles of friends..those that "get" the whole tiki thing and that you can do tiki related and art related things with and those that may share other interests that maybe tiki folk wouldn't be interested in but that those other friends might....obviously it these friendships are worth salvaging for whatever reason, then maybe keepin the engineers away from the tiki bar may be less aggravating for you in the long run.....however, if these guys don't have much to offer you other than critizisim than cut them loose.... sometimes my circles of friends eclipse each other, sometimes they don't...but they are still friends and they have a place in my life on some level.....i wouldn't get too stressed about if i were you....just learn to gauge peoples reactions to various things and you'll know how far and where you can let them into your world....some will "get it" some won't, but it's hardly worth trashing relationships over, unless they are pretty much jerks across the board ..... |