Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate
Post #456043 by Bay Park Buzzy on Mon, May 25, 2009 10:03 AM
Bay Park Buzzy
Mon, May 25, 2009 10:03 AM
The two drum looking tables are finished now! First one: For the three panels above the tiki legs, I did random abstract patterns In the three panels in between, I tried to make the patterns mimic tiki faces. The second drum table: Three tiki face panels like this between the legs Abstracts for the rest: The tables in their new home: In other tragic tiki news: The stupid mold material stuck to my stupid pendants so I had to scrape off all the mess and now have to refinish and remold the stupid things. On to other stuff:
I'm too busy to have any time to slack off...but busy is good!
I think all those damn Brady Idols must have cursed my molds! Or maybe it was all the lava in my cocojoes collection...
I just took two days off and I'm all fired up to get back to work now!
I drove by early one morning and I could see the tiki out there on the island. Then, about three hours later, I was working in the factory and just happened to glance down at the island and it looked a little "off." I grabbed my telescope and the tiki was no where to be seen. Oh well. All I have to say is this: Enjoy the cursed tiki, basturd who liberated it! Tiki Island will live again! I promise!
The Department of Fish and Game took the tiki because they thought he killed the bird. It was just a flying cockroach, anyway. I don't see the big deal...
We're going to do something like that next time, that's for sure! It disappeared after a really nice weather weekend with a lot of events over on the closest beach to it. It lasted a lot longer than I thought it would, but it was still short lived. I'm thinking of taking about 100 Brady Bunch idols and throwing them all over the sand and lagoon out there. People would be digging those up for months!
EVERYTHING looked great over there and it was an ARRRRSOME weekend! I had a blast! We should do something like that again. :wink: SOON!
Thanks Notch! Sweet music to my ears, that was!
These drum things are getting pretty routine for me now so I think I'm going to do my next one blind folded, just to keep things challenging and fresh.
Yes I am. Join the club now!
It's a little over 36" tall. Today, I shall work exclusively on the drum, and continue on it until I am done. This weekend officially opens tiki season (in my mind, at least). Enjoy it while it lasts! |