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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Bilge / 78th smoke-free day! (the great Tiki central mass stop-smoking thread)

Post #460157 by tiki mick on 06/08/2009

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tiki mick posted on 06/08/2009

A little shameless self-promotion/bragging/crowing.....

Today is exactly 75 days since I had my last tobacco. It's been hard, but it is getting better and easier every day. In fact, I did not even realize 75 days had passed since I stopped counting the minutes and seconds about a month ago.

So, for anyone who thinks it can't be done, or it's too hard....I am here to tell you, it's NOT!

I was/am the type of smoker that lit one up apon waking, had one more while waiting for the coffee to brew. Had another when I got out of the shower, another while warming the car up, another while driving to work, another in the parking lot prior to entering the building.

This was the pattern of my life being a total slave to nicotine. Every moment measured and defined by when the next cigarette was coming.

Anyone trying this, let me tell you: Cold Turkey.

It's like ripping off a bandaid, you don't want to do it slow. That means no substitutes (patches, gum, etc) no cuting down or rationing. It only delays the inevitable.

Cold Turkey is the quick hit. You only suffer once, and for a comparitively short time.
For example, the real discomfort and insanity only really lasted about 7 days. After that it was already getting easy.

I am not out of the woods yet, and any time I get drunk there is the severe temptation, but I am doing it!

Now, if anyone else needs advice, or just a stop-smoking buddy, feel free to post here or PM me!!

Or,if you just want to post thier experiences, (when you quit, how you felt, or how your life has improved since)....go for it!!

I feel great. Like a huge load has been lifted. I encourage others to join me in this victory!!

[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2009-06-11 11:21 ]