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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Bilge / 78th smoke-free day! (the great Tiki central mass stop-smoking thread)

Post #460426 by tiki mick on 06/09/2009

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tiki mick posted on 06/09/2009

On 2009-06-09 10:26, Babalu wrote:
HUGE Congrats Lucas...This is a momentous achievement!

(I'm next up to take on the challenge)

Document it HERE! (It's fun, and embarrassing at the same time!)

Really, it's not so bad once you make up your mind...the mind is a powerful thing! Only the first 7 days or so are really the worst. Stock up on your favorite comfort foods, drink tons of water and get some sleeping pills so you can retire by about 7:30 each night...!!

(sleeping as much as possible is really a good idea!!)

For my first day, I just did not have a smoke when I woke up. (I normally would) but you see, I already had 8 hours under my belt as a non-smoker..then I just added to it, and added to it. Like I said, the first day was actually kind of cool. There is a pleasant, euphoric, light headed feeling all the first day!

You can do it, Babalu, and I am here to help you if you need it!