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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Bilge / 78th smoke-free day! (the great Tiki central mass stop-smoking thread)

Post #460478 by tiki mick on 06/09/2009

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tiki mick posted on 06/09/2009

On 2009-06-09 12:48, Kiki von Tiki wrote:
Hey Lucas! Congrats on kicking the habit! One day at a time, just like the 12 steppers. Lots of good advice here for others who want to get off the sticks. Stay with it! Replacing the bad habit with good ones (drinking water and going to the gym) is a great way to go. You won't be sitting around stuffing your face with food to fill the need to put something in your mouth.

I had a similar experience to Kirby. My Grandad was dying of cancer (lymphoma - bad bad bad) and he sat up in his hospital bed, pointed at me and said "See what smoking does to you?" Well, I told him "I quit, Grandad!" and I did that very minute. Whenever I wanted one, I just thought about him in that bed. It wasn't easy but I had a boyfriend who hated it so he was very "helpful" in reminding me (I call it "nagging"), but I did it for myself and for my Grandad. For years the smell of smoke was annoying and I would crave them when I was drinking. And sometimes newly minted non-smokers tend to get preachy, that's not usually very appreciated. Now I can be around it and it doesn't really bother me. Now my other habits. . . . :wink:

How long has it been?

Also, I am trying not to be preachy....after a while, I will probably stop talking about it (and even stop thinking about it hopefully!)