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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Bilge / 78th smoke-free day! (the great Tiki central mass stop-smoking thread)

Post #461002 by tiki mick on 06/11/2009

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tiki mick posted on 06/11/2009

The deceptive lie of nicotine: Yes, that's a huge understatement! It creates the false sense that you are doing something you enjoy. But the funny thing is, you eventually don't miss it at all, and start wondering what you even saw in it the first time!
But for most tobacco addicts, I would say you are playing with fire if you smoke an occasional cigar. It's too easy to get hooked all over again!

Pills supposedly work (Like buspar, zyban, etc) but so many side effects is a deterent.

My advice for anyone is again, take the quick hit. The pain of withdrawal is pretty bad, but really does not last as long as you think. Within 3 days, you are already feeling better and it is easier (though you are at huge risk of backsliding!)

There is strenght in numbers, shared suffering, etc..now is a good time to attempt this!

Babalu and Ben, you should try this: Have this be your last weekend. Smoke yourself silly. Chain smoke, even. Come monday, just don't do it anymore. Take the day off if needed and just sleep it off. Come monday morning you already techincally have 8 smoke free hours under your belt, and now you are just gonna add to that. By Tuesday, that will be what, 32 hours already without a cigarette?

This won't work for most people, but during my first few days I drank like a FISH, and just passed out and went to sleep early. I don't reccoment it, because drinking and cigs seem to go together so well...but this is what I did.

This is day 78!

How do I feel? Oh, I would sure LIKE a cigarette, but I no longer NEED a cigarette and go for hours and hours not thinking about it. The cravings have actually already stopped.

They come like waves. At first, every few minutes. Then slower, more time in between cravings. If you keep "riding" them through, you will be ok. The amazing thing is there are NO negative repercussions from not giving into the craving! None! You don't die, pass out, or even really go crazy! That's the lie that nicotine creates, that you NEED it. You don't.

There are some cool substitute items out there. Like oregon mint. It looks like snuff, but is actually just mint. They even make it in little bags, if that's your thing. Like skoal bandits but without the nicotine.

For those into dipping, this stuff is a lifesaver! it has the exact same consistency as snuff.

(By the way, I was heavily into both snuff AND cigs.)


[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2009-06-11 11:20 ]