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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Bilge / 78th smoke-free day! (the great Tiki central mass stop-smoking thread)

Post #461594 by tiki mick on 06/14/2009

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tiki mick posted on 06/14/2009

On 2009-06-14 08:27, telescopes wrote:
When people quit smoking cigarettes, I am always willing to offer my kudos.

However, I am a life-long pipe and cigar smoker. I smoke a few times a month and enjoy the hell out of it. My problem is that society looks at the cigar and pipe the same way they do cigarettes - like shooting up H.

LIke Bill Clinton, as a general rule, pipe and cigar smokers don't inhale. Unlike cigarettes, walking away from pipes and cigars is easy. No shakes, no mental agony. Nada.

With all of the celebration about quitting smoking, please be mindful that the Tiki Ti is a smokers only choice for drinking and smoking a cigar in a public bar.

Here's my request. When I am at the Ti, enjoying my Ray's Mistake, coddling my cigar, please don't approach me and ask me to take it somewhere else.

I love the smell of pipes and cigars. But for an ex-smoker, they are dangerous, because they are the gateway to starting cigarettes again. For someone like you, you ARE at risk for oral cancer, however...the risk might be pretty small.

If nicotine was the type of drug that most people could control, it would not be as much a problem. Speaking for myself, I can't do the occasional cigarette, or the "only on the weekend" smoking, though I know some people can. For me, one would lead to another, and another, and another.

I don't want to be a nag, but the simple truth is, if you can taste it or smell it, it's getting in your system! And that would include second hand smoke as well.

For someone like me, I would rather avoid a place that allows indoor smoking, unless there is really good ventilation or fans (like at the morongo casino) and I don't want to restrict your right to slowly kill yourself, just as long as you are being reasoneable about it and not planning on taking me out as well. Smoking laws are a good thing in my opinion, but I don't want this thread to veer off into politics.