Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Bilge / 78th smoke-free day! (the great Tiki central mass stop-smoking thread)
Post #461631 by JenTiki on 06/14/2009
But pipes and cigars will give you lung cancer, just like cigarettes do. My father was a pipe and cigar smoker into his mid-40s, but never once picked up a cigarette. He died at an early 67 from esophageal cancer that spread to his lungs, 20 years after he quit! Tobacco is tobacco and and it doesn't have to get deep into the recesses of your lungs to kill you. I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy to go through what my father went through in the last two months of his life! It's not a pretty way to die and I guess I'll never understand why people are willing to continue smoking knowing what they're going to go through, and what they're going to put their loved ones through. |