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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Ellly first carving attempts

Post #461735 by Ellly on Sun, Jun 14, 2009 10:34 PM

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Ciao to everybody! I'm back, ciao Benzart ! I have been too busy with the school year. Now I have some days free and then back with tests for the degree..
But in the meantime Ancients come back Ben... and I post what I tryed. I'm working now on simmetry that is a problem for me , I prefer free forms, and I's really a match.
So ready to have your suggestions...

these are marine motives from the hellenic history and a lotus flower, very used in egyptian life...

my first tiki on urchine ... thank you Ben you opened my mind...

and that's all right now, but, other stones are on the bench...
Kisses from a very warm Sicily Island