Thanks for hosting another great Mission Bay Mello-Chop Hank!
Let's see what happened! Every word written is true...!

Hodaddy frees Bob from his palm tree entombment where he has been trapped since the mid '50s.
Impressive portrait, Hank.

LLT and 4WD. Ah, man! I was going to wear my Blue Oyster Cult tee shirt, but changed my mind and my shirt at the last minute!

Maria sculpting another fab lil' animal figger.

Kate carvin' up Maui's bestest friend.

Mr. NoNaMe thinking about signing his name.

Kyle doing that mask up right.

Zaya and Kate flanking Buzzy who is doing what he does best at a Chop:
Sipping a tasty beverage and stealing my ideas.

Squid with his R2D2 voice simulator kit with the directions all in Japanese
preparing to call the factory in Japan for a translation.

Maddogmike with his...what is that thing for again?

Hank continuing to free Bob, while Paparazzi Charli moves in...

Squid still on the phone with Tokyo. Ravenne jots down notes dictated in cryptic sub-pseudo Japanese.

It works! Bleep..blip...squeak.. Erik, give that back to Squid and get making those TJ Dogs!

Yeah...that's the stuff...sweet buttery Jesus!

Squid: "Mine indubitably hearkens to a springtime buttercup in both it's ambiance and fortitude".
LLT: "Mine tastes like purple".
Mr. NoNaMe: "Mine lost it's wiener".
Kate: "...boys..."

Bill, stop looking at those funny books and carve!

"Carrots and peas, carrots and peas, carrots and peas, carrots and peas,
carrots and peas, carrots and peas, carrots and peas, carrots and peas..."

The Chop Fortress

Enemy encampment?
We were also treated to a fabulous Hawaiian dance demonstration courtesy of Antoinette.

Here she is using pu 'ili which are sliced bamboo sticks that make a sort of swishing sound used as

Next, a pair of 'uli 'uli. These are gourd rattles decorated with feathers.

Banging the rhythm on an ipu, a small hollow gourd. (I learned a lot of new words today)

The hand gestures all have symbolic meanings. (Maybe I'll learn what they are next time)

Mahalos to ya, Toni!
Now I have to go design another mug.
Great hanging with everybody. Hope it's not long until we meet again.