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Tiki Central / Tiki Music / If You Like Exotica, Check These Out

Post #465784 by White Devil on Tue, Jun 30, 2009 11:27 AM

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My goodness, what a tense lot of hipsters you are. Presuming that you too are able to read, I've been a member here for over two years, and in fact my wife & I run a bookshop. And I personally take a dim view of some random individual telling me where my post should go, when my judgment is just as good as yours. Hopefully, most of the folks reading this thread of presumption and bad manners will read my first posting and connect with some soothing music to enjoy after all the drama.
And might I suggest to those of you with constricted parameters and apparently not enough to do: pull your ears out of the sand (or whatever orifice they're wedged into), because there are a few good bands out there you'll dig, even if they're not "tiki music."