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Tiki Central / California Events / Tiki oasis 2009 POST Pics here

Post #478770 by Tiki Kitty on 08/22/2009

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Tiki Kitty posted on 08/22/2009

Another year, another total blast. Hung out with old friends, met some new, enjoyed many cocktails, listened to stellar music all weekend long (forgot to get the Huntington Cads to sign our vinyl though - bummer). Oh....and bought some AMAZING stuff. Having withdrawals, and already planning for next year...

Trevor mixin up his signature "Atomic Spacebots" in the room

All settled in

Thee Swank Bastards at the Frankie's Tiki Room party - always a good show

Me n' Ari, ready to go

Trevor, gearin up

The boys getting some air during the Limoncello Lounge party with the Martini Kings

EVERYONE's having a ball

Swankiest guy there - RAWWWR. Notice the tiki mug and all-access wrist band.

Thankfully, there were no Mothratiki sightings.

Professor Huggums is SHY??

Trevor diggin the show from the room

Not actually the EXACT same shirt after all, as we later realized. Crazy Al's lacks the rainbows. Still, pretty damn close!

Our new treasures...

Hanging these floats this weekend - jellyfish and pufferfish inside of them - SWEET

Close-up of our new Doug Horne piece on boxed canvas - "Creature From the Isle of Pagan Delights". Methinks I want to visit said island. SO excited to own this one!

Newer artist to TC forums - MP (Mikel Parton). His stuff is AMAZING, and so unique. This ones called "First Man, First Visitors". It's velvet, and the bowl is 3 dimensional

Thanks Otto, Baby Doe and all! See you at Oasis 10!
Tiki Kitty