Tiki Central / Locating Tiki / Maui Kauai, Worcester, MA (restaurant)
Post #496195 by bigbrotiki on Sat, Nov 28, 2009 6:28 PM
Sat, Nov 28, 2009 6:28 PM
You mean THIS book :D : Yah yah, those Germans and their Oceanic Art books.... I do see myself in the tradition of Karl von den Steinen, whose books helped Marquesan Art to survive. Also, the first book on African "primitive" art ever was written by a German, Carl Einstein (no relation to Alfred) in 1915, around the same time Picasso and the moderns discovered its power. Apparently, it had quite an impact on African American artist Hale Woodruff, here an excerpt from his bio:
While there, he became friendly with German-born Herman Lieber who gave him a book entitled “Afrikanische Plastik” by Carl Einstein in 1923. Fifty years later Woodruff still treasured this book. It made him one of the first black artists to study African art intensively and be influenced by it.< Here's what Woodruff said about it: