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Tiki Central / Tiki Music / "Christmas with Tiki Joe's Ocean” CD - featuring guest musicians Squid & Marty Lush!

Post #499606 by Tiki Joe's Pop on Thu, Dec 17, 2009 2:19 PM

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That was a fun interview- thanks Koop! Enjoy the BBQ's~!

There's a new song from the CD up on myspace - "Silent Night" - featuring some smooooth drumming from Squid. http://www.myspace.com/tikijoesocean

This weekend features a media blitz surrounding "Christmas with Tiki Joe's Ocean"

Recently uploaded, I was featured & interviewed on Mark Riddle's terrific show "The Quiet Village Podcast" ( http://www.digitiki.com OR http://www.digitiki.com/podcast/The_Quiet_Village.xml. ) Thanks Mark!

I'll also be on the afore mentioned "Cocktail Nation" with Koop Kooper ( http://www.cocktailnation.podomatic.com
http://www.myspace.com/loungelothario ). Should be uploaded on Saturday as Koop's other shows have been.

Additionally, Tiki Joe's Ocean will be a part of Darrell Brogden's always cool and swinging Christmas show on "The Retro Cocktail Hour" ( http://www.kpr.ku.edu/retro/ ) which will be broadcast this Saturday at 7pm

AND THEN, direct from Maui, it's the fabulous "Cudra Clover Exotica Hour". http://cudraclover.podomatic.com/ Cudra's recently uploaded episode 15 features Tiki Joe's Ocean among a plethora of Exotica, Lounge & Surf songs, seasonally tinged.

BIG mahalos to these fine gentlemen and one fantastic wahine as well as thanks to all of your beautiful people for all the support.

Have a COOL YULE~~~



[ Edited by: Tiki Joe's Pop 2009-12-18 17:30 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Joe's Pop 2009-12-19 16:48 ]