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Tiki Central / Other Crafts / Kahaka's Tiki Lamps

Post #512129 by KAHAKA on Sat, Feb 20, 2010 1:35 AM

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Oh, wow, that was a gas (and/or gave me some...). Wow to the wee, Skipper. That's just it. I suspect we can lay it out with slightly less bongos and poetry. All that sorta gave me a "I wanna click the stop button" impulse (even my black cat Grandpa is riled up right now... He's more of a Rocket from the Crypt fan. Ha.). Ok, no more shimmy shake, let's just do some shtuff! Pound it out, and they will come (like the Field of Dreams with Kevin Coughsner, but koooler). Let's make some TAPA! Oasis 10?