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Post #520783 by bigbadtikidaddy on Mon, Mar 29, 2010 3:17 PM

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welcome vitis- impressive find! I'd say what you found is fairly rare, and in my opinion, outrageously cool! I cant offer much info, but I have seen a few that are similar. most recently in this thread:
http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=32959&forum=5&hilite=Alii Woods

a pretty exact match, just different style base.
it's gotta be 60's or early 70's vintage and I really dig its' fierce, somewhat scary style. so different than the usual styles you find. The fact that you found it at a garage sale is really inspiring also, congrats!

I've gotta find one now!

On 2010-03-28 18:21, vitis wrote:
Can anyone provide any info about my recent garage sale find? It is about 3 feet tall, and has a small silver sticker on the back that says Alii Woods, Genuine Monkey Pod.
