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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Q & A for beginners.

Post #546006 by Bau on Mon, Aug 2, 2010 2:02 PM

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Bau posted on Mon, Aug 2, 2010 2:02 PM

what if you don't have access to palm whats the next best? what is the most durable for garden use?

I tryed carving with a dremel but I get so much kickback that I totaly can't control it and ruin things. are chisels a better way to go?
what about small pieces as compared to large?
There is no way I could manage a chainsaw at all, a friend suggested I try a rotozip, but you get a lot of kickback with them too and I find it difficult to control. I'm afraid of realy hurting myself. An exacto knife?? out of the question!

my stuff just looks awful, doesnt even look like tikis just mangled up pieces of wood lol
I could realy use some advice