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Tiki Central / Tiki Marketplace / For trade: pair of tix to any Las Vegas Cirque du Soleil show...

Post #549332 by Carl Ulrich on Fri, Aug 20, 2010 10:27 AM

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this may be a longshot... perhaps even inapropriate for these forums, but here goes.
I work for Cirque du Soleil, and am entitled to tickets now and again. I'd like to trade a pair of tickets for any show in Las Vegas (any date, although it's best to list alternates, just in case)for something tiki... pickings have been slim around here lately, and I need a fix!! Although the tix are probably worth about $100 a piece, I get 'em free, so I'm definetely not expecting the moon or anything. Just a friendly trade. Anyways, if anyone's interested, or would like to propose something, please get in touch!