Joined: Apr 24, 2003
Posts: 59
The Astroglides:
A Retrospective Ride Through the Pounding Surf of the Astroglides Archives. Subtitle pretty much sums it up.
For those of you who dig the intense dual guitar instrumental tunes of the Astroglides previous albums but don't dig the Cookie Monster Vocals.....here ya go.
As far as I know, this is all their surf instro tunes compiled in one CD. Opens with Dark Surf, and closes with it too, an alternate version however. I could be wrong but I believe Ran and Hans also do this song as the Sand Devils. Great song that pretty much sums up what these guys are all about. Definitely the greatest surf band coming Straight Outta Israel. Arguably, one of the best modern, heavier (while still retaining melody) California bands.
Not a trad retro surf band. A band that is aware of the musical trends that have come and gone since the early 60's and incorporated elements of the best into their sonic delivery. Lots of variety too. The songs do not all sound the same. Important to remember that the roots of the original surf music came from all over, including the Middle East. These boys aint new to this, been around a while, and it shows.
This is definitely my favorite instro surf album to come out in a long time!