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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Bilge / new threads we need on Tiki Central

Post #557279 by aquarj on Fri, Oct 1, 2010 1:18 PM

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aquarj posted on Fri, Oct 1, 2010 1:18 PM

On 2010-10-01 00:17, woofmutt wrote:
Still, as awesome as a movie with a tiki in it could be I don't know if a single thread about these movies (or even TV...Are there ever any tikis in TV shows, or in ads?) is necessary, I think it would be best if everyone just starts a new thread anytime they spot a tiki in a movie or on TV.

Now you're talking! That's even better!

If anyone would like to stimulate discussion of tikis appearing in motion pictures, they should create a new thread based on this inspiration! They certainly shouldn't waste time searching for synonymous threads like Tikis in films. Moreover, any suggestion that synonymous threads be unified should be called out for what it is: the uptight tiki police doing what they do. As everyone knows, they particularly love picking on newcomers to scare them away.

But that's just the first step. Even better if EACH tiki movie / motion picture / film / youtube vid / scopitone discovery appears in its own thread. And that applies to other topics too. F'rinstance, if someone comes across a Trader Dick mug, say in his own garage, this does not belong in a Tiki Finds thread (or Tiki Acquisitions thread), or even a Trader Dick's thread, but in a completely new General Tiki thread whose topic is this particular discovery in this particular garage.

I am confident that this approach to populating TC with new threads will result in a much needed new level of redundancy!
