Tue, Oct 5, 2010 11:25 AM
From 1988 - 1998 I worked for a major department store as a Visual Merchandiser. I was promised a management position many times and did everything I needed to do to secure that position. This included rushing a college education to have the required degree and outlasting 2 different bosses who i should have been able to take their jobs. the last straw was I had to train the final boss replacement. She was from a different company and they said they chose her because she was from the competition even though I was waiting for that job for many years. I quit by writing a "take this job and shove it" letter to the store manager and giving 2 weeks notice the same day i was to start a 2 week vacation to Hawaii that I already had planned and was set in the books. So I packed up my car with my tools that day and left forever. When i went out one of my close friends followed me to help me carry my stuff. He ended up getting into my passenger seat and I asked him "what are you doing?" and he said "I am not staying here without you, I quit too" :) Within a month, the entire team quit. |