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Tiki Central / General Tiki / Tonga Room SF (Not) to be demolished?

Post #558749 by Hearn on Sat, Oct 9, 2010 4:22 AM

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Hearn posted on Sat, Oct 9, 2010 4:22 AM

The analysis is pretty much exactly what we were hoping for...

Tonga Room
Impact CP-1b The proposed project would cause a substantial adverse change in the significance
the Tonga Room, an historic resource (Significant and Unavoidable Impact)
[Criterion D.a]
The Tonga Room is located in the existing podium structure proposed to be demolished as part of the
proposed project. The proposed demolition would remove all character-defining features of the Tonga
Room and this would constitute a substantial adverse change. Relocation of the Tonga Room is not part
of the proposed project.
The Tonga Room is not specifically included in the 2001 NRHP nomination of the Fairmont Hotel.
However, as previously discussed on p. IV.D-24, based on the HRE prepared by Knapp Architects and
the HRER prepared by the Planning Department57, the Tonga Room appears to be eligible for the CRHR.
The proposed demolition of the Tonga Room would therefore be considered a significant impact to a
historic resource under CEQA.
57 These documents are available for review at the Planning Department, 1650 Mission Street, Suite 400, as part of
Case No. 2008.0081E
IV. Environmental Setting, Impacts, and Mitigation
D. Cultural and Paleontological Resources
Draft EIR IV.D-37 950 Mason Street Fairmont Hotel
Case No. 2008.0081E Revitalization and Residential Tower Project
A survey and documentation for the Historic American Building Survey (HABS) (or similar level of
photo documentation) would preserve a record of the Tonga Room (See Mitigation Measure M-CP-1b,
pp. IV.D-37 to IV.D-39). However, this mitigation measure would not reduce the impact to a less-thansignificant
level. The proposed project would result in a significant and unavoidable impact to the Tonga
Room, even with the implementation of Mitigation Measure M-CP-1b.
Alternatives to the proposed project as they pertain to the Tonga Room are discussed in more detail in
Chapter VI, Alternatives.
M-CP-1b: HABS Level I Documentation,