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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / Trader Vic - 1948 Bartender's Guide or 1946 Guide to Food & Drink?

Post #565236 by uncle trav on Tue, Nov 16, 2010 5:15 AM

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Why not both? If your in the mood for a straight up bartenders guide the Bartender's Guide is the way to go. Packed with 1500 cocktail recipes and a ton of info on the art of bar tending. Here is my first edition from 1947, it's a great guide and I use it often.

Want something to go with the cocktails and need to know how to set up a proper luau? The Book of Food and Drink has it covered. Lots of great info and recipes for food and cocktails. This is my 1946 first edition with fantastic artwork in color by Guy Huze. Later editions can be found for both titles but the earlier ones are the best. So which one would I pick? Both. Have fun and hope this helped out with your question.

Sorry for the bad scan but I didn't want to break the book's back