Tiki Central / California Events / Ding Dong Devils live on KXLU midnight 12/29-30
Post #570469 by congawa on Tue, Dec 28, 2010 2:55 PM
Tue, Dec 28, 2010 2:55 PM
The Ding Dong Devils are going to be playing live on the radio on the evening/morning of Wed. 12/29-Thur 12/30, from midnight to 2am, on Livation (hosted by Robert Douglas) on KXLU 88.9 FM! If you're going to see Waitiki 7 at Don the Beachcomber on 12/29, and heading home towards LA, turn on 88.9 FM on your ride home (doesn't come in well in Orange County, but the signal should start to come in as you drive north). Of course, you can also stream it on the web at http://www.kxlu.com/ Also, I believe Waitiki 7 will be live on the Molotov Cocktail Hour with Senor Amor and Cyrano tonight (Tuesday 12/28 if you get this) from 10-midnight. Caltiki Brent [ Edited by: congawa 2010-12-28 14:56 ] |