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Tiki Central / California Events / Hulaville Hawaiian Concert Series - Winter-Spring Schedule

Post #572095 by Hulaville on Sat, Jan 15, 2011 9:23 AM

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The next in the Hawaiian Concert Series at Hulaville is "O'ahu" on Saturday, January 22 at 8:00 p.m.
The band "O'ahu" consists of Uncle Roddy Ali’i Kaulana Gregory, lead singer and accomplished musician performing since 1963, Robert Ihilani Agno, wrote #1 hit “Maui”, Kawika Dacoscos, an internationally touring and accomplished musician, and Stan West, a legendary versatile steel player in blues, country western, rock and Hawaiian. Together they have combined experience of 200 years, and form the band "O’ahu" performing a diverse number of original, traditional and contemporary Hawaiian music, and oldies. All vocalists, their music highlights beautiful and unique styles of harmonies accompanied by playing numerous instruments such as, the Hawaiian steel guitar, ukulele, 12-string guitar, electric guitar, percussions, and electric nylon string and steel string bass guitars.

Tickets are $5.00 per person in advance. Come early to eat!
call 949 369 1905 for more info