Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki / Looking for a few trustworthy people to go in on a sailboat in socal
Post #573418 by gonzo on Wed, Jan 26, 2011 2:05 PM
Wed, Jan 26, 2011 2:05 PM
There are some great deals out there in this recession!! I spoke with a fellow at Lyns towing in Santa Paula and he says he has done a good buisness hauling derelict boats out of the two harbors here in Ventura County. He hauled 300 abandoned boats out in the last 6 months!! On Victoria Ave near Channel Islands Harbor there are 3 abandoned boats on the side of the road right now. Abandoned boats everywhere. Many sink at the dock when the battery goes dead. All those lien sales you see on Craigslist are abandoned boats being sold or trying to be sold by the marinas. Knowing a bit about sailboats I wasnt impressed with the two you found. Spend a little more and you will do a LOT better. The fiberglass boats built in the 1960s prior to he invention of balsa core can be very good. Soggy rotten balsa wood sucks. Ask any Sundancer owner out ther how they feel about balsa core. Some builders even put balsa core below the waterline for a time. Bigger BTW isnt always better. The boat industry built way to much junk for folks wanting bigger boat for there buck. Big boat big problems,Little boats little problems. Large power boats are completely worthless in todays market. Check the market for a 30 foot plus Bayliner and you will see what I mean.5 year old 100K boats trying to be sold for less than 20K and not selling. BTW Ive heard from a Brit friend of mine that there is a money making lively trade going on buying quality sailboats boats here and sailing them to europe for sale. Dont be hasty whatever you do. research research. Its always a good sign when yu see an owners group on the internet with a message board. Check out Cape Dory for example. Great boat great lines long time owners. They do have balsa decks though so watch out for soft decks. |