Tiki Central / California Events / Victor Vector of (Man or Astroman) benefit show, Sun. Mar. 27th noon to 8pm, Suzy's Hermosa Beach Ca
Post #576085 by bigtikidude on Mon, Feb 14, 2011 12:30 PM
Mon, Feb 14, 2011 12:30 PM
As many of you already know, Victor Vector of the hugely influential Instro group Man or Astroman? has been hospitalized in rough shape, and, as is typical for a lot of musicians, has limited or no health insurance. A benefit concert is to be held tomorrow to help with his expenses. PLEASE make time to attend and assist a great musician! An incredible line-up is scheduled to perform Sunday, March 27, doors open at noon: 1pm, Bodysnatchers It all takes place at Suzy's in Hermosa Beach. Lots of door prizes, tons of fun for a good cause. See you there! Thanks!!! Suzy's Bar and Grill 1141 Aviation Boulevard Hermosa Beach, CA 90254-4027 (310) 379-6171for those that didn't hear, Victor Vector of MOAM developed a staff infection in his lungs at the end of the latest 'Man or Astroman?' and has been hospitalized in the ICU unable to use his own lungs. This event is being put together in aid of Victors extensive medical bills. Get well soon Victor! if you can't make the show,