Tiki Central / General Tiki / Tiki Motel in Tucson
Post #57800 by tikijackalope on Fri, Oct 31, 2003 1:56 AM
Fri, Oct 31, 2003 1:56 AM
Not only is the Tiki Motel open, but it's neon sign is fully operational. I was thrilled to photograph it on a trip to Tucson in early October, 2003. The spotlight in front of the face part of the sign makes it look like the tiki is speaking into a microphone, but other than that, its great. They even have business cards with graphic art of the sign as a logo. If you like googie and googie-ish motel signs, be sure to drive South to see the Tucson, the Flamingo and the Sahara. To the North of the Tiki Motel, be sure to turn left (West) onto Miracle Mile to see the sign for the Tropicana Adult Theater; I'm sure it was once a motel. Be careful in this area at night though...way too many guys just hanging around looking like they wondered how many rocks of crack they could get for my camera. By the way, the No-Tell Motel had no business cards, but the nice (if befuddled) man at the desk gave me a match book...a fine souvenir or great practical joke item for slipping into a friend's pocket before his wife does the laundry. |