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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki / Hideous Wal-Mart TV Ad Creature: Gingey

Post #58764 by Tiki_Bong on Thu, Nov 6, 2003 2:28 PM

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You know, I really don't understand why a band, or should I now say recording artists since most music seems to have no actual instruments, has to use profanity anyway.

I mean I talk like a sailor at times, but I personally don't need someone screaming "mutha'fuc$&r" at me (except when I'm driving).

There would be about 99.9% less rap/hip hop sonic vibrations if the word "mutha' fuc$*r" didn't exist I believe.

And I know this thread will probably take off on the pro-freedom of speech rhetoric, but from one that's spent the vast majority of his life playing music I just do not understand the need.

Music, to me, is to make one feel good. Something that's pleasant to listen too. Plain and simple, the purpose of profanity is to offend.

And just like people comment about the high prices of homes in Southern California, the market supports those prices. If Walmart wants to have some policy prohibiting the sales of certain items, the market must be supporting their decision.

I really don't like Walmart, since most bulk items I get at Costco (and besides, Costco has a greater hottie-shopper ratio that Walmart). If you don't like something, don't go there!

(imagine this: Martin Denny's new tune "Mutha' Fuc$*ing Quite Village")