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Tiki Central / Tiki Travel / Leaving CA for NYC, advice?

Post #592598 by Weitz on Tue, Jun 7, 2011 12:00 AM

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Weitz posted on Tue, Jun 7, 2011 12:00 AM


I have muddled the last two years of my tikister infancy in the lovely bay area, where I have been, as I've been told, absolutely spoiled in regards to tiki bars. Add to this the occasional trip down to Socal, up to Portland, and to my native Ft. Lauderdale, and my expectations have grown a little high for tiki bars.

That being said, I'm moving to NYC for graduate studies this fall and I hear the pickings are quite slim. I've been to Otto's Shrunken Head, which was a little too punk rock and pbr for my tastes. I hear the Lani Kai is nice, but just not tacky/fun enough. There's word of a place on staten island, and I've heard about the painkiller. Is there anything I'm missing? Any new bars or potential spots people are thinking of opening? I would love to become a regular at a new place, or a semi-private tiki central run affair.

I'm hoping to start my own mini private bar when I find a place. But that's a few months off and my potential flat mate...she uh, doesn't drink ._.

So any words of advice would be greatly appreciated! Antique hunting seems to be very good in Brooklyn, which is where I'm looking at living. Still apartment hunting if any of you are renting, too :D