Tiki Central / California Events / Tiki Oasis 2011! How about a free ticket! Well then Volunteer!
Post #593465 by IKABOD on Mon, Jun 13, 2011 11:50 AM
Mon, Jun 13, 2011 11:50 AM
Yes with Tiki Oasis 2011 just a few short weeks away, here is your chance to head out to the biggest tiki event.........ever! and do it for free! "But how Ikabod how do I go to Tiki Oasis for Free? In this economy?" Easy! Just click on the link below, which will send you hurling (careful don't spill your cocktail) to the super secret, classified, tiki-eyes only, and otherwise restricted access Tiki Oasis 2011 volunteer open position list! Take a gander at the list, select what you want to do and send a email to: Here's the link: Here's the email once again: [email protected] Enjoy! |