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Tiki Central / Other Crafts / TIKISKIP : How to make tiki light, Lamp 101

Post #593969 by tikiskip on Thu, Jun 16, 2011 4:09 PM

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"I imagine that you would shellac the fabric or burlap after it were in place"
No that's not it really.
There are a few steps to the burlap, kind of a pain that's why I don't do
more of em.
The second light has Burlap AND resin very cool look.
I sold it to Skitiki.
Wish I had that one back.

Got the burlap at Franks Cane and rush I think.

Lights are kind of different than say doing ceramics the mug maker can show
you how to make a mug but you need to have the artistic skills to make the mug look good.
With lights I can show you how to make any light in one hour or less.
And it will be JUST like any lamp makers lights here.
So with light making the skill is in the trial error learning you get from years of making
these lights.
And the creativity you put in the design.
Last but not least the stuff you make these lights with and where to get said stuff.
Now I know that not everyone will want to make their own lights.
But I could be giving some new lamp maker a good head start to compete with me in the
tiki light sales game.
So it's hard for me I want to share all I know so bad.
But I know it will and has bit me in the ass.
Ask a mug maker his recipe on one of his cool glazes and see what he says.