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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / Mangos, mangos every-freakin'-where!

Post #594427 by Limbo Lizard on Mon, Jun 20, 2011 9:40 PM

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My first wife was from Hawaii, where mangos were common, too. She ate them with salt and cider vinegar. She preferred them not quite ripe, a bit firm. I initially thought not-ripe mangos had a rather distinctive turpentine taste, but I learned to like them, anyway.
I know I've made drinks out of mango nectar, but don't remember exactly what I did. I think it was probably a lime, couple ounces of mango nectar, couple ounces of rum, and maybe a syrup or liqueur, if it was too tart. Actually, I think guava nectar is better for tiki drinks, than mango. This helps you none, though.