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Tiki Central / California Events / Don the Beachcomber Introduces NINE “New” Original Cocktails!

Post #596320 by Don The Beachcomber on 07/06/2011

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Don The Beachcomber posted on 07/06/2011

Don the Beachcomber Introduces NINE “New” Original Cocktails from Donn Beach!

Don the Beachcomber pays tribute to the Founding Father of Tiki with Rebirth of Original Rum Cocktails!

Huntington Beach, Calif., JULY 2011 – Staying true to the original Don the Beachcomber restaurant conceptualized in the 1930s by Donn Beach, the founding father of tiki, Arthur and Delia Snyder are introducing nine of his original cocktails to the menu at their Huntington Beach-based Don the Beachcomber (16278 Pacific Coast Highway). The restaurant has already introduced the Singapore Sling to its menu, and eight more cocktails will be introduced this summer with a new drink launched every Monday, during Happy Hour from 4 pm to close (see schedule below)! Guests are invited to a complimentary 2-ounce taste of the new cocktail debuting that day.

“It’s no secret that Donn Beach and his Don The Beachcomber restaurants have gained most of their attention and notoriety over the years for creating one-of-a-kind rum drinks,” revealed Arthur Snyder, who has owned the Don The Beachcomber brand since 2007 with his wife and Executive Chef, Delia. “We’re bringing back some of Donn’s original recipes that were introduced to the world when he came to Hollywood in 1934, immediately after Prohibition ended.”

Joining Don the Beachcomber’s famous rum drinks already on the menu, such as the Navy Grog, Vicious Virgin, Rum Cow, Dr. Funk, Zombie, Missionary's Downfall and, of course, Don's Original Mai Tai, the nine new cocktails are created from original recipes and possess equally colorful names!

Singapore Sling (on menu now) – this drink was invented in Raffles Bar in Singapore in the 1800s. Donn visited in late 1920s, and came to Los Angeles with a revolutionary change that raised this gin-based favorite to the level of a true cocktail, with a series of added flavors better experienced than described! $12

Penang Afriditi (Monday, July 18) – this cocktail features rare & precious rums, combined with several fruit juices and Donn’s own flavors to make an extraordinary drink. To have it the way that Donn first created it in “Ernie’s Place” – his pre-Repeal “speakeasy” – ask your bartender for “an Original.” If you question your ability to finish this strong drink, ask for “Number 2,” which is half of the full sized “Number 1.” #1 $12/$14 “original” #2 $7/$9 “original”

Scorpion (Monday, July 25) – this drink combines silver rum and brandy with lemon and orange juices, and a hint of almond! This is one of our most tart drinks, second only to the Dr. Funk! Available in a bowl for two—Aah! Romance! $9 single/$15 bowl

Royal Navy Fogcutter (Monday, August 1) – this drink, formulated by Donn in his first Hollywood bar, had a top secret recipe until his bartender, Tony Ramos, moved to another bar, and immediately claimed that he had invented it! Angry, Donn took it off his menu for several years, but it was so popular that he put it back. This one features gin, rum, brandy, with Donn’s original formulas—unlike the copycats. “Fogcutter, Hell! One of these and you won’t even see the stuff.” $12 (limit 2 per guest)

Nui Nui (Monday, August 8) – with multiple spice flavors combined with an aged amber rum, this cocktail tastes like the “holidays in a glass!” $10

Don’s Hurricane (Monday, August 15) – Donn, like the Hurricane, was from New Orleans, and was well acquainted with this famous drink from his youth; but by changing the proportions to emphasize the rums he knew so well, he gave it a new taste that you will enjoy, complete with bright grapefruit and pineapple juices, and select cordials). $12 (limit 2 per guest)

151 Swizzle (Monday, August 22) – this is a very straightforward drink that’s easy on the tongue. Fine 151-proof Demerara rum is complemented by fresh lime juice and a typical Donn tweak. $10 (limit 2 per guest)

Beachcomber’s Gold (Monday, August 29) – “A priceless concoction, lime and almond highlights, with multiple rums and just enough absinthe to make the heart grow fonder.” (From a 1959 menu.) If you’re interested in experiencing this one in its original, pre-1933 version, have your bartender add absinthe by asking for “an Original.” $12/14 “original”

Pink Cow (Monday, September 12) – Don made this for himself in “Ernie’s Place” – his pre-Repeal “speakeasy” in Hollywood – with a formula based on a 1600s Colonial drink. This half milk, half rum cocktail, is as clear as water with a pink hue and Donn’s perfecting touch! It may seem to be a very refined drink, but don’t underestimate it! $9

Don the Beachcomber is located at 16278 Pacific Coast Highway, Huntington Beach, CA 92649. For more information or to make reservations, call 562-592-1321 or visit http://www.DonTheBeachcomber.com.

[ Edited by: Don The Beachcomber 2011-07-11 16:27 ]