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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

Post #598938 by Bay Park Buzzy on Sat, Jul 23, 2011 11:59 AM

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Sunsets all looked the same the last few days so I skipped taking a shot of it. :(

The other night, I was cleaning up this mess:

I threw a ball of string on the top of my storage cabinet and apparently scared a nesting dove off her nest. She kept bonking her head on the ceiling trying to flee. I wondered what she was up to up there, so I took a closer look...

Funny...I don't remember putting all those twigs up on the paint can:

Lone egg in the nest:

Mama was back the next morning:

She stayed up there all day, watching me carve.She finally took off when I took the nail gun out for a trial run later that day. She was back the next morning and seems to be getting used to me out there all the time.

This was pretty much her view as I knocked through the detailing of this one:

Now stained in "Rory Red."

On 2011-07-20 19:56, MadDogMike wrote:
all members of the genus Bufo secrete a poison with varying levels of toxicity. And I'm sure a man of your dubious reputation is already well aware of the hallucenogenic effects from licking the Colorado River Toad (Bufo alvarius).

I was thinking that the other night when Poki grabbed a big one and was carrying it around in her mouth. I kept waiting for her to start dancing in the moonlight to some Grateful Dead bootlegs, but it never happened...

On 2011-07-21 09:07, hiltiki wrote:
#1 Buzzy I love the soaps, can you save me one of each.
#2 do you come home often or you are staying there most of the time.
#3 I love the fact that you don't have to bother with people, smog, freeways, crazy city life. The place looks so peaceful and serene I am jealous.

#1 The soaps are for this:
tikiyaki polynesian village deluxe vacation getaway package !
Jim will have the soaps for sale separately around Oasis time. I'm just the wholesaler/manufacturer of these.
I'm selling soaps I made like this for Mojave Oasis:
Hand made Tiki Soap Bar- coconut scented cocobutter soap shaped like an Easter Island Moai Tiki Statue

#2 I think I've gone home maybe 4 times since January. I'm up here pretty much all the time.

#3 But I do have to bother with: cold, wind, heat, bugs, sand,algae, and having nothing you need close at hand when you need it.

On 2011-07-21 18:55, RevBambooBen wrote:
You should go see Buzz!

Yeah Hiltiki, come visit me some time! you'd love it here! Hot like the valley, but empty!

I'm going to go sit on the porch and wait for something exciting to happen.I hope maybe I'll see a car go by. There's a good chance one will, it is the busy day,Saturday, here after all.
Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2011-07-23 12:03 ]