Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate
Post #598938 by Bay Park Buzzy on Sat, Jul 23, 2011 11:59 AM
Bay Park Buzzy
Sat, Jul 23, 2011 11:59 AM
Sunsets all looked the same the last few days so I skipped taking a shot of it. :( The other night, I was cleaning up this mess: Funny...I don't remember putting all those twigs up on the paint can: Lone egg in the nest: Mama was back the next morning: This was pretty much her view as I knocked through the detailing of this one: Now stained in "Rory Red."
I was thinking that the other night when Poki grabbed a big one and was carrying it around in her mouth. I kept waiting for her to start dancing in the moonlight to some Grateful Dead bootlegs, but it never happened...
#1 The soaps are for this: #2 I think I've gone home maybe 4 times since January. I'm up here pretty much all the time. #3 But I do have to bother with: cold, wind, heat, bugs, sand,algae, and having nothing you need close at hand when you need it.
Yeah Hiltiki, come visit me some time! you'd love it here! Hot like the valley, but empty! I'm going to go sit on the porch and wait for something exciting to happen.I hope maybe I'll see a car go by. There's a good chance one will, it is the busy day,Saturday, here after all. [ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2011-07-23 12:03 ] |