Tiki Central / Other Crafts / Digital art discussion
Post #600056 by Badd Tiki on Sun, Jul 31, 2011 1:03 AM
Badd Tiki
Sun, Jul 31, 2011 1:03 AM
Well, I had to skip the last couple post 'cause I've had a few... And one of the guys asked me 'You still doing art'... And it's funny, because I've been doing a lot of digital art that a lot of people have enjoyed over the past 10 years. But when it comes down to it I really have nothing to 'show' for it. But a lot of people have enjoyed it, and actually my artwork is still used in new projects today, in an antiquated engine that few people use. But after all this time people are still seeing it, and most likely not even knowing who created it. And I'm alright with that. But it got me thinking. Does that make it have less soul than something Devinchi did? And back to my friend asking if I still did artwork. In all the years I have practiced many mediums I have probably only made $100 off of my artwork. I could just never sell it. If someone liked it I gave it to them. And that's what I've always done with my digital art. I think once money gets involved it loses soul to me. And it's a weird justopizction (I know I should spell check that) but whatever, I'm drunk. LOL. So back to the question of soul and art. Does art have soul because of the medium? Or does it have soul because of the (oh what's the word...) expected outcome? It's quite the conundrum. As an artist I'd love to be able to survive doing what I love, but the moment I start doing it TO survive it loses all meaning and I start to loathe it. Not really sure where I was going with this little rant... |