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Tiki Central / California Events / LIve Entertainment at Don the Beachcomber August 8-15!

Post #601539 by Don The Beachcomber on 08/09/2011

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Don The Beachcomber posted on 08/09/2011

Staying true to the original Don the Beachcomber restaurant conceptualized in the 1930s by Donn Beach, the founding father of tiki, Arthur and Delia Snyder are introducing nine more of his original cocktails to the menu, which already features some of his classics!

Nui Nui – with multiple spice flavors combined with an aged amber rum, this cocktail tastes like the “holidays in a glass!” $10

Monday, August 15th
Don’s Hurricane – Donn, like the Hurricane, was from New Orleans, and was well acquainted with this famous drink from his youth; but by changing the proportions to emphasize the rums he knew so well, he gave it a new taste that you will enjoy, complete with bright grapefruit and pineapple juices, and select cordials).
$12 (limit 2 per guest)

In the upcoming weeks we will be introducing a new Don's drink to our Bar Menu
Every Monday, during Happy Hour from 4 pm to close!

You're invited to try a 2-ounce complimentary test of the New Drink of the Day,
and only purchase a full-size drink if you like it.
(An extra bonus since we know you will like it anyway!)

This week in detail... Tuesday, August 9
KIMO - Master of Steel Guitar
Gracing our Dining Room every Tuesday through Thursday, and Saturday!
Kimo shows his skills on this type of guitar and method of playing first developed in Hawaii.
7-9 p.m. in the Dining Room Tues-Thurs & Sat!

Attn: Guitarists! Open Surf Jam with Matt Quilter
Grab your Fender and come play your favorite classic surf songs live every Tuesday night
During Surf Guitar Jam Night at Don the Beachcomber!
There is no cover for this event hosted by Matt Quilter's "Wave Machine"
ALL skill levels welcome! Surf is WAY up!!
8-11 p.m. - NO COVER!

Wednesday, August 10
Geeks Who Drink Pub Quiz!
What is this? Here's the short version:

  • Geeks Who Drink is a homegrown Pub Quiz modeled after those in Ireland and the UK.
  • Quizzes cover everything from celebrities in trouble to wordplay to bad television.
  • Each quiz has two audio rounds: a "Name that Tune” style round, and another round comprised of soundbites from movies and TV.
  • Play in teams of up to six or by yourself if you're some kind of savant.
  • If you want to play but don’t have a team, come anyway. We can usually get single players recruited onto an existing team.
  • Winning teams gets street cred, bar cash and other prizes depending on the venue. Bonus Questions for free pints are sprinkled throughout the quiz.
  • You don’t have to be a trivia God to enjoy the quiz. Since you’re playing on a team, the collective knowledge base makes for more fun, less pressure. It’s not final Jeopardy!
    8-10 p.m. in the Longboard Room - More Info: HERE!

Thursday, August 11
KIMO - Master of Steel Guitar
Gracing our Dining Room every Tuesday through Thursday, and Saturday!
Kimo shows his skills on this type of guitar and method of playing first developed in Hawaii.
7-9 p.m. in the Dining Room, TUES-SAT - NO COVER!
7-9 p.m. in the Dining Room Tues-Thurs & Sat!

Friday, August 12
Dinner with Mehana Music & Dance feat. Auntie Geri
Enjoy dinner in paradise with some traditional Hawaiian music!
Mehana means "warmth" - come share their "warmth" of aloha through
love of Hawaiian music & culture. Auntie Geri was born and raised in La'ie, O'ahu,
but her amazing talent has made her known as "Songbird" everywhere she goes.
7-9 p.m. in the Dining Room - NO COVER!

SMOOTH... sounds of SANTANA
Smooth..sounds of SANTANA, has been thrilling audiences for six years. If you cannot get out to see the real SANTANA this is the band to see.
Close your eyes and you would think you are hearing the real thing...
8-11 p.m. in the Dagger Bar - TIX call 562-592-1321!

Unwind and welcome the weekend in the Dagger Bar with great cocktails, drink and music!
9 p.m. - midnight in the Dagger Bar - NO COVER!

11:30 p.m. - 1 a.m.

Saturday, August 13
One of LA's best and most famous modern surf bands, SLACKTONE, making their triumphant return (fresh from a European tour) to the Dagger Bar! Slacktone is widely recognized as America's best surf instrumental band with a sound that is a hyper-kinetic mix of melody, speed and jaw-dropping technical skill.
9 p.m. - midnight in the Dagger Bar - NO COVER!

11:30 p.m. - 1 a.m.

Sunday, August 14
Brunch with Mehana Music & Dance feat. Auntie Geri
Enjoy Sunday brunch with some traditional Hawaiian music!
Mehana means "warmth" - come share their "warmth" of aloha through
love of Hawaiian music & culture. Auntie Geri was born and raised in La'ie, O'ahu,
but her amazing talent has made her known as "Songbird" everywhere she goes.
Noon-3 p.m. in the Dining Room - NO COVER!

Reggae Sunday!
Don the Beachcomber is proud to play host to a new series of Reggae Shows featuring FULLY FULLWOOD, joined by talented musicians who are noted in this genre and those that are on the rise! Some of these musicians have played with Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, Kenny Loggins, Tracy Chapman, Ben Harper, Dennis Brown and Joe Higgs to name just a few.
3-6 p.m. and Tickets are $10 each at the door!


***Willie K (William Kahaialii) returns to Southern California on August 19th for a show at Don the Beachcomber (joined by his special band)! Willie K is not only a winner of multiple Nā Hōkū Hanohano awards, but to quote Honolulu Weekly, "He's an amazing guitar virtuoso, a Hawaiian Jimi Hendrix; he's Gabby Pahinui, Andres Segovia and Eddie Van Halen rolled into one. Willie can mimic seemingly any style, moving easily between screaming Stratocaster, sweet slack key and jazzy almost baroque, acoustic 12-string." **Also a special performance by the Kalama Brothers, Ryan Kalama and Kai Kalama. If we're lucky, they may even have their band with them that night! Get your tickets at http://www.meheulamusic.co​m.

***On Sunday, September 4th, spend an evening in Paradise with the author of Waikiki Tiki, Philip Roberts,
Presenting "A Celebration of the Tiki Age in Hawaii," featuring the actual VOICE of Donn Beach
Introducing his "Feast of the Islands Luau" in 1957 Waikiki! Fill up with a grand Luau buffet, with a performance by the Smokin' Menehunes, and a slideshow presentation! ONE NIGHT ONLY! Sunday, September 4th 2011. Advance Tickets - $45: http://donthebeachcomber.t​ix.com/Event.asp?Event=389​338

***If you missed it the first time don’t miss it Friday, September 23rd! We are pleased to welcome "Atlantic Crossing/A Rod Stewart Tribute Band" featuring Alexander Roberts who looks and sounds like Rod himself! Louise Sanchez on keyboards and sax, Darren Carrr on drums, Justin Deckert on bass, and Daniel Coffeng on guitar make up the band backing up Alexander and also a special appearance by "Strange Days" Doors Tribute band. Tickets are $15. Get them while they last at http://donthebeachcomber.t​ix.com/Event.asp?Event=389​547