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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / Current quality of Trader Vic's products?

Post #605296 by CincyTikiCraig on Fri, Sep 2, 2011 9:05 PM

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TV's Orgeat is pretty bad, it's all HFCS and artificial flavorings. It's like they tried to go as cheap as they possibly couldin manufacturing it, and it shows (or rether, tastes). I would use Fee's or even Torani before I used TV's Orgeat (and that's saying something since I find Torani Orgeat to be pretty bad). Fee's actually isn't bad, it's The Bum's go-to Orgeat. Personally I will only use Teisseire Orgeat now that I've had the pleasure of trying it. It's hard to find and has to be ordered online, put it's worth it IMHO.