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Tiki Central / Home Tiki Bars / Epoxy!? What is best for outdoor use?

Post #612682 by Hula Dog on Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:14 AM

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I've been navigating through Tiki Central for months, admiring all the incredible work and collecting ideas for my own outdoor tiki room.

I've spent months collecting ideas and planning the construction of my room and now I'm just about ready to begin construction.

I do have a question that I'm hoping someone can help me out with.

My tiki room will be outdoors, located here in So. California. The bar top I have planned will be partially exposed to the outdoor elements.

My plan was to use a clear epoxy to weather proof the underlying wood and give it that shiny durable bar top feel.
I wanted to use clear epoxy because the plan is to have some pin striping and murals painted on the wood, that I want exposed.

I've done some research and it looks like the majority of expoxy's will turn yellow and discolor when exposed to direct sunlight, which I would like to try and avoid.

What have others used here to protect your bar tops? Is there something else that would work better?

I thank you in advance and I just can't wait to get this thing constructed.
