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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / El Dorado 5 or 12 for use in cocktails?

Post #625564 by CincyTikiCraig on Sat, Feb 18, 2012 11:32 PM

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On 2012-02-18 22:56, tikibars wrote:
The El Dorado 12 is also $30+ here in Chicago.

Last night I wandered into some random crappy corner liquor store, and spied two bottles of the old-style Ron Zacapa 23, the kind with the wicker completely covering the bottle, not just the one wicker band like they use now. They were on a shelf behind the counter. I asked how much they were, and the wasted guy at the counter said $14.99. Naturally, I bought them both and asked if they had more (they didn't). When I got outside I noticed they were tagged $41.99. The dope had read the prices wrong.
Always pays to shop at booze stores where the employees are wasted.

You, sir, are my new hero!!