Tiki Central / Locating Tiki / Polynesian Room, Fort Lauderdale, FL (restaurant)
Post #637692 by TikiTomD on Thu, May 24, 2012 7:29 AM
Thu, May 24, 2012 7:29 AM
Swanky, I have another connection between the Yankee Clipper and the Mai-Kai, but it doesn’t have the “wow” factor of yours. I’ll leave it to you to pick the time and place to share it. Sven, Buffy Lockette is indeed one hell of a byline. Okay, this may elicit the mild interest of the truly hard-core history geeks among you, so here’s one more tie-in between the Yankee Clipper and Mai-Kai: Richard Charles Reilly, Architect. Another WWII Pacific veteran, Reilly did detailed design work under the master architects of the Yankee Clipper (M. Tony Sherman) and Mai-Kai (Charles McKirahan). According to the American Institute of Architects (AIA) biographic data, he actually joined the architectural firm of Charles McKirahan in 1956, remaining with him as an Associate Architect until striking out on his own in 1961. Innovative and large projects such as the Yankee Clipper and Mai-Kai undoubtedly employed a number of designers, engineers and project managers. Reilly went on to distinguish himself as the master architect of other South Florida landmarks, as summarized in his obituary... South Florida Sun-Sentinel July 21, 2000 Here’s a vintage Yankee Clipper postcard with an aerial view of the complex... Marina is enchanting at the Wreck Bar (Marina is, in fact, enchanting anywhere she goes)... The Palm Beach Post June 15, 2008 In the article below, the popular history of the Yankee Clipper is recapped, we learn that $4 million in upgrades have been accomplished and that more is planned, but the promise is that the Wreck Bar will remain intact through it all... The Palm Beach Post July 20, 2008 So, where did the money for the renovation come from? This article reveals that the Starwood Capital Group acquired the majority interest in the Sheraton Yankee Clipper back in 2005 and provided the renovation funds. They will figure prominently in a subsequent controversial renovation... eHotelier.com June 20, 2005 Here’s another article about the Starwood Capital Group acquisition, from the Gill family perspective... Hotel Online April 25, 2005 A vintage menu cover from the Yankee Clipper’s Galley Coffee Shop... In the early part of 2009, Bob Gill, founder of the Gill Hotels of which the Yankee Clipper was the flagship, passed away at the age of 93... South Florida Sun-Sentinel February 26, 2009 Spring break at Fort Lauderdale beach circa 1962... To be continued... -Tom |