Joined: Nov 16, 2007
Posts: 5295
On 2012-06-26 06:48, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
You should use the search function before you start a new thread like this. This topic was covered most recently in this thread:
Mystery Tiki - Answering the questions: "Where is this tiki from? "Who made it?" What is it for?
Buzzy Out!
That's a good one Buzzy. That thread, however, is for tiki/oceanic artifacts, whereas the thread I was proposing would be for stuff like these recent items:
Also, it doesn't have the right title.
On 2012-06-27 16:26, ErichTroudt wrote:
While I see the big picture of what you are complaining about here (and in other threads over the last month)...why lump my Topic in this? I understand you're trying to prove your point but my post doesn't deserve this.
I merely listed all of the "What is this?" type of threads that were on the front page of Collecting Tiki forum. I was not trying to single you or any one else out. My point is rather than have 20 different posts asking "What is This?" why not create one thread where you can post your mystery item and get input (and maybe also to encourage peoople to do some research before asking, which you clearly did).
It seems as though we need to have this discussion more often these days with the growing number of new members and the ever increasing number of new posts related to the find of a single Tiki-related object.