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Tiki Central / Home Tiki Bars / The Best and Worst thing I did to my Tiki space, Via Tikiskip, Check here before you build.

Post #645210 by Kon-Hemsby on Mon, Jul 23, 2012 4:25 AM

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IMHO, I agree with Swanky, LED strip lights (I got mine from Ikea) are brilliant to light up shelves. I have mine lighting up my rums and mugs and as you can change their colour you can change them according to the best setting for your place. And they are low heat and very small and discreet.
I personally found that varnishing the lauhala matting with a matt varnish gives it a great aged look.
Agree that plenty of sockets are invaluable.
And finally plan out your floorspace and where the bar will sit a number of times to find what suits best and don't panic in the early stages of the build. The best bars will evolve as things and decor are added to them.

And one regret, if you can make your bar a 'wet bar', it makes keeping things clean a lot easier. I have to run up and down stairs to wash things up.

[ Edited by: Kon-Hemsby 2012-07-24 04:19 ]