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Tiki Central / Other Crafts / Wendy Cevola - 01/10/2025. I've begun a Wish List painting on black velvet for Todd Locker.

Post #658724 by danlovestikis on Wed, Nov 14, 2012 8:44 AM

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TikiAno I love meeting people who write on my thread. Be sure and tell me your TC name first. Thank you and see you soon.

hang10tiki we like thick mugs too. Making them thick lets me alter them more. Your Suffering Bob is done and drying.

OMG suffering moai bob!!! I want one!

MP invented the Suffering Bob Bastard and his is an outstanding version. We are on a waiting list for one of his. Ask him to get to work so we can all have one. He even has it molded.


OH my.

Hale Tiki I can picture your smile.

VampiressRN your posts delight me.

anthonymaye I'm watching your swap progress. You paint beautifully.

Progress Report Wish List #3 and etc.

HORRORS my kiln started acting up during its firing. Here's what I loaded into the kiln yesterday afternoon.

Just before I put a shelf in I noticed that it would be sitting on the ceramic. I've done that once before. I traded out the posts for taller ones.

I checked to make sure the shelf was an inch below the thermal couple. I think it should have been more. I'll check the book today.

Secong shelf.

Second Shelf loaded.

Third shelf. The first time I've done three levels.

After a few hours I peeked in my kiln shed and heard a warning buzzer and saw error message E 1. In the book it said that the kiln was raising its temperature too slowly. Since it was so cold outside I changed it to a faster ramp (medium) and turned off the AeroVent. It worked for a while and then the error was back. The book said it would still fire but it would be really slow. So I let it go all night.

This morning it was at 1100 degrees. It has almost 800 to go. So I'm guessing it will take 24 hours for this load to fire and if I'm lucky it will not be ruined. I actually have enough for the Don the Beachcomber's sale no matter what the outcome. But HORRORS and Halloween has past.

I'll be getting a repairman here when the kiln has finished and cooled.

hang10tikis Suffering Bob was ready to flip and fix. I filled in and better attached the clay additions to the bottom.

VampiressRN flamingo's are shy and their heads tilt down not so with Flamingo Bob who looks you straight in the eye. So I have the shape right just can't tilt the head. Carving the beak, nostrils and glazing will make it better.

All day and night I brought in trays of ceramics to glaze.

Layer after layer, piece by piece I glazed.

What's cookin in my kitchen, not much but there's a lot of plates of glazed ceramics.

Well my fingers are crossed that the kiln will keep going until this load finishes and that come Friday I'll have a happy load.

I'll continue to glaze. I'm always hopeful. Cheers, Wendy