Tiki Central / General Tiki / Low Light Interior Plants for your Tiki Room
Post #66832 by Jungle Trader on Mon, Dec 29, 2003 1:30 PM
Jungle Trader
Mon, Dec 29, 2003 1:30 PM
Here's a list of plants with the very lowest light requirements that I know of: Aglaonema's (Chinese Evergreen) minimum 50 footcandles (if you eat the leaves you will lose the ability to speak for a few hours) (no not me, a drunk friend on a dare)...poisonous Aspidistra elatior (Cast Iron Plant) minimum 25 footcandles (This is why it's called a cast iron plant, you can over water, under water, throw it in the garage for months, ignore it, and it still survives) Dracaena's ("Janet Craig","Warnecki","Corn Plant Fragrans","Mass Cane", and "Marginata") minimum 75 footcandles Epipremnum aureum (Pothos Ivy, Golden Pothos, Devil's Ivy) minimum 50 footcandles Kentia Palms minimum 75 footcandles Sansevieria....Variegated Snake Plant or Mother-in-law's Tongue (heh heh, I always love that one,...it's pointed and sharp at the tips) minimum 40 footcandles (a survivor like the cast iron plant except it will not tolerate overwatering) Schefflera's need minimum 75 Spathiphyllum's (Peace Lily) need 75 Flowering Potted Plants in the Interiorscape that need between 50 and 100 footcandles are the Kalanchoes, Poinsettias, Chrysanthemum, Azalea The mistake that most people make is overwatering. Let your plants dry out completely before watering, except for the peace lilies, they are like swamp plants. "If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space." Lou Whitaker [ Edited by: jungletrader on 2003-12-29 21:49 ] |