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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / Favorite rum cocktails (i.e. not long drinks)

Post #67673 by pablus on Sun, Jan 4, 2004 8:36 PM

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pablus posted on Sun, Jan 4, 2004 8:36 PM

Hey Klas...
Really nice. I expected something a little bit more harsh but it was terrific. May have been that FRESH squeezed ruby red grapefruit juice I used. Ahhhh, Florida... it was 85 today.

The Amber Love Goddess liked it, had two and then got creative and mixed up:

1.5 shots of Cruzan
1.5 shots of Cruzan coconut
1.5 orange juice
1.5 grapefruit juice
dash of orgeat
dash of grenadine

Shaken on ice and strained into a sugar rimmed champagne flute.

She calls it "Reef Rendezvous."
I told her it may already be named and the verdict was "You're right - it's named Reef Rendezvous." What a girl.

The Surfite is a success though, in my book. And that's a thick book.

It's January and it's time for the